Thursday, February 7, 2008

Final Countdown, Hell Yeah!

For those of you who read my post which discussed the song The Girls, here is a mashup where that tune is involved.

It was part of an album that team9 did for the Stereogum website (which is where you go to download it), which while not my cup of tea at all, is still a major music site and thus a great "mainstream" way for a mashup artist to get much exposure.

This tune is Countdown To Girls, which actually is mainly Europe's Final Countdown mixed with Sean Kingston's Beautiful Girls, along with some random electro effects that I believe team9 created themselves. But, it's still something I wanted to spotlight, as it did what I thought would be impossible and that would be making Sean Kingston tolerable!

Actually, I shouldn't really say that as I thought the other singles I heard from his album were better (yes, I even enjoyed the song that was really a remake of Led Zeppelin's D'yer Maker!), such as Take You There. I just thought that Beautiful Girls was bad, and yet that was the song that you know he'll forever be remembered for.

Anyhow, team9 does a great job of combining the music from the all-time classic Europe song with Sean's vocals, and you also have the brief cameos from Harris. It's worth hearing no matter what you think of the artists involved.

Also, another good mashup involving Final Countdown is Divide & Kreate's Counting Rockets, which combines it with Elton John's Rocket Man, believe it or not. It works really well, too. In the future I know I'll post a song or two from D&K officially.

Anyhow, I'll be back a week from tonight where I will spotlight another mashup.

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