Friday, November 30, 2007


Finally, up now is the second song. It's one of the first mashups I ever downloaded (back in the middle of 2004) and I don't know if I'd say it's one of the best, but it is one of the most unique given the two artists that were combined.

Back in that era, the Kelis song Milkshake was quite over, and much to my consternation, as I thought it was a terrible song. Suddenly, on a messageboard I found a mashup of it done by a guy who I only found out a few days ago was a dude named Dizzy Bull, and he's not even a mashup artist.

What he did was take the vocals from the Kelis song and set it to a random tune from… Lawrence Welk? Yes, the artist who had on a TV show for years that your parents/grandparents watched and whose music is in essence the antithesis of hip-hop/rap. Anyway, the song is called, simply enough, Welkshake, and here's a direct download:

Dizzy Bull-Welkshake

I'll be back on Wednesday night-this time it WILL be up at that time-with a new song.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Introduction

Welcome everyone to the opening of this mashups blog, where I post tunes in the field known as mashups. The links that I have up, especially the Wiki one, do a great job of explaining the history of the genre and spotlights the best people in the field.

Me, I first found out about the genre way back in 2004, when the controversy over The Grey Album broke. In case you don't know nor remember, it was an album done by Danger Mouse where he combined The White Album with The Black Album; at the time it caused a huge shitstorm of controversy, but it got me interested in hearing the album and finding out more about the genre. Oddly enough, I thought The Grey Album wasn't all that great; you can find much better mashups out there, although Danger Mouse hasn't done badly after the controversy, what with Gnarls Barkley and all…

Anyway, I've downloaded more than 40 CD's worth of mashup tunes since then… and that's been on an off and on basis, and I still have many songs on my computer that I haven't burned to disc yet. So, as you can see I have a huge collection of tunes that I can put up; I'll try to do my best to pick out the ones that I think are the best.

I'll make things simple in this first post on here by posting a tune that comes from a duo that is one of the best mashup groups out there. They are DJ's Adrian & The Mysterious D; one of them happens to be a transsexual! I only mention that as an odd bit of trivia, but most of their tunes are top notch. The one I'm going to spotlight now combines what may be THE song of 2007 (at least in terms of being popular rather than judging by quality) with a popular tune from the 80's.

The 2007 I'm talking about is one that is still wildly popular, which is Soulja Boy's Crank That (Soulja Boy), a tune that you either love or hate, but combined with mashups the results usually prove to be a sucess. In this case, they combined the vocals from that tune with We Got The Beat, by The Go-Go's! It sounds odd, yes, but mashups are awesome in that they combine what seems like the least compatible tunes together and in the hands of people who know what they are doing, the results are amazing. In this case, they made a song that many people are probably tired of and they not only make it sound fresh, but it sounds f'ing great also.

The song, known as We Got The Soulja Boy, can be easily found in the download section of their website.

The next ditty I will spotlight will probably be the oddest combo of artists and songs you'll ever see put together, but you should like the results.