Sunday, May 18, 2008

Christina Aguilera Plus Jazz?

Here is a mashup from a few years ago that isn't perfect, but for some reason it came to mind earlier in the day and from back in the day, I remember hearing that some random radio stations played this tune, mainly for shock value and the bizarre juxtaposition.

The tune is by some random dude named Rikki Rok. His old website isn't up anymore and there's a very old messageboard that he used to run. I can tell you he's from the UK but that's about it. At least he graced us for a brief time before retiring; the mashup road is littered with cases such as this. With Rok, he presented to us Christina Aguilera's Dirrty and combined it with a song from the New Orleans Jazz Band! Yes, strange, but at least it's good for a laugh. Note that the below isn't my link, but something that was posted by someone else that I stumbled upon.

Like I said on my other page, I'll be back in 2 weeks time, as next weekend I'll be away from the computer; my sister will be married in Wisconsin so I'll be there instead.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Check Back Here in 24 Hours

Unfortunately I was pressed for time tonight so 24 hours from now I'll have up a song.

Someone from Pop Bytes found the last post and commented on it. The reason why all lowercase (or all uppercase) irks me so much is that besides the fact that all lowercase just looks unprofessional (no offense) and for me at least I would have to force myself to type that way-and with uppercase, TYPING LIKE THIS IS CONSIDERED SHOUTING IN MOST PLACES-is of course my problems with local wrestling messageboards (now just messageboard) where you have some dumbshit kids (I call them kids as that's how they act; "toddlers" may be the best term, though) who think it's ok to troll (even though "internet troll" means the same thing as "person with extremely tiny genitals) innocent people when they'd soil themselves if the people they harrassed actually confronted them face to face and the harrassee wanted them to back up the awful things they said. Anyway, they don't do the uppercase shit but they do the lowercase shit, only because in the past I stated that I hated all lowercase; yes, those stupid fracking toadies-along with their main leader-have been doing that for many months now just to make me mad. No kidding. Those guys are horrible human beings and if they would all be on a bus driven by Freddy Kreuger and drive off a cliff (reference to Part 2) then the world would be a better place.

Anyway... I'm not saying that the people behind Pop Bytes are trolls or possess tiny genitals or anything like that. I just wanted to explain why all lowercase puts a burr under my saddle, although I really do think it looks unprofessional and a lame attempt at being "edgy" or "cool".

Saturday, May 10, 2008

An Aggravating Site, Except For...

I almost hate linking to this website only due to their puerile and plain f*cking stupid insistence on not using the shift or caps key at all (reminds me of the main posters on a terrible local independent wrestling messageboard (at least that's what it was; it's now really a clubhouse or sandbox for a bunch of "adults" who really act like they are all 4 year olds), but even with that infantile mindset on their part-and don't even ask me how the content on the rest of their site is-a nice place to find mashups is Popbytes and their Mashup of the Week page.

The selections are chosen by DJ Paul V., who has done the Smash Mix on Indie 103.1 for the past few years now. The Smash Mix is a 20 minute or so collection of mashups, remixes, and regular songs that Paul digs. The Popbytes page has a really sweet collection of mashups, almost all of which are worth downloading; I believe that as of now all of the 106 mashups on the page are up and ready for a DL.

As usual I'll be back a week from tonight.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

He's Back!

I don't have a proper upload for tonight (by the way, I'm doing it at this time as I just got back from the wonderful location known as Mako's and I wasn't able to do this before I headed off to the happiest place on Earth) but I still have something worthwhile to mention at this late hour.

Remember how I mentioned recently in a blog that Get Home Productions, arguably the best mashup artist that there's ever been, retired awhile back? Well, like most retirements, that was short-lived, as he returned to the mashup business and released a (free) album of new tunes. Check it out on this page.

As typical as of late, I'll be back this upcoming Friday.