Saturday, February 14, 2009

Don't Misunderstand Me

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find an appropriate song for what was Friday the 13th, so I'll just mention some random stuff, alright?

In this blog, which is from the recently mentioned DJ Copycat, he mentions the mashups that he liked the most in 2008. He also produced a link to the always cool MySplice compilation.

Speaking of Copycat, over on Mashuptown there's a post where he combined Santa Esmeralda's classic over of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood with Blind, by dudes named Hercules & Love Affair and Antony Hegarty; of course, I hadn't heard of any of them before, but I don't follow most of current music that's deemed "hip". Anyway, that song is pretty rad.

Finally, if you want something different, there's Bhangra Booty, located here, which combines popular Western songs with those from the Bhangra genre, popularized in India.

I'll be back a week from today, spotlighting something else.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Damn You, Real Life

Sad to say, the past few days have been real hectic for me, between going to wrestling shows, and partying, and all that. So, I'll just direct you to The Bootie Blog, where some choice tracks were uploaded; I'll be back on Friday night, and then I'll do something more substantial.