Friday, June 26, 2009

Remembering Michael Jackson, Part 1

To copy and paste from my other music blog:

Well, I certainly wasn’t planning on doing another one of these so soon but of course with the big news that broke early yesterday evening for me, it’s something that I feel I have to do. Now, without taking into account how he was in real life-and it’s obvious that whether or not you believe those charges against him (I probably should look more into those cases before deciding one way or another, but I’ve heard that those accusers and their families were less than credible, so who knows what the truth actually is), he had obvious mental problems-you have to say that he made some incredible music. I have no idea whether or not those child molestation charges were true but either way it’s sad that he had an abusive father and ended up being messed up in the head from spending most of his life being a celebrity; as it’s been proven MANY times before, being a celebrity, especially these days with those awful cockroaches known as the paparazzi, seems like it’s not even worth it as it’s caused many casualties and people dying way too young with all the press and attention forcing people to do-as Michael did-to turn to drugs and alcohol and that along with whatever mental illnesses he always had, and it’s unfortunate that someone who was so talented and made some great music in the 70’s and 80’s lost his mind, allegedly did some horrific things, and even without that, just acted *strange* and his music career wasn’t the same. I don’t know if I can faithfully say “RIP” to him for obvious reasons but I’m still shocked that one of the most important figures in music history passed away unexpectedly.

Between that, Farrah Fawcett passing away on the same day after having to fight cancer for the past few years, Ed McMahon a few days prior, David Carradine dying and the way that happened, the death of Japanese wrestling legend Mitsuharu Misawa (a big deal to me) and the fake rumors yesterday about both Jeff Goldblum *and* Harrison Ford passing away, and it’s been quite the unfortunate month.

So, today through Sunday I will point out some mashups that involve him; of course, due to the number of great pop/R&B songs he created, there hasn't been a lack of great tunes involving his music.

Tonight I'll point out two tunes that I enjoy a whole lot. The first one is from DJ Party Ben. At this link you can hear Promiscuous With You, which is a combo of MJ's Rock With You and Nelly Furtado/Timbaland's Promiscuous Girl; it was quite the feat in that I don't really care for the latter but combining it with that Jackson song made it pretty great.

The second tune is Saysayism Allstar Jam, from DJ Lobsterdust. At this link you can download the tune, which has the music from the MJ/Paul McCartney song Say Say Say and adds in a bunch of vocals from artists old and new. It's very groovy.

I'll be back tomorrow with at least one new mashup.

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